

No. 期刊名稱(Title) 備註
1. Aerosol and air quality research E
2. Agricultural and forest meteorology E
3. Atmosphere-ocean P+E
4. Atmospheric chemistry and physics (EGU) E
5. Atmospheric environment E
6. Atmospheric research E
7. Atmospheric Science Letters E
8. Australian meteorological and oceanographic journal E
9. Boundary-layer meteorology E
10. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society P+E
11. Climate dynamics E
12. Climate research E
13. Climatic change E
14. Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans E
15. Geophysical research letters E
16. International journal of climatology : a journal of the Royal Meteorological Society E
17. Journal of aerosol science E
18. Journal of applied meteorology (AMS) E
19. Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology (AMS) E
20. Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics E
21. Journal of climate (AMS) E
22. Journal of geophysical research E
23. Journal of hydrometeorology (AMS) E
24. Journal of physical oceanography (AMS) E
25. Journal of the atmospheric sciences (AMS) E
26. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan E
27. Journal of turbulence E
28. Journal of weather modification(~2013) P
29. Mausam(~2012) P
30. Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts(~2011) P
31. Meteorological applications E
32. Meteorology and atmospheric physics E
33. Monthly weather review (AMS) E
34. Nature Climate Change E
35. Nature Geoscience E
36. Pure and applied geophysics E
37. Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society E
38. Reviews of geophysics E
39. Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography E
40. Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology E
41. Weather E
42. Weather and forecasting (AMS) E
43. 大氣科學( Scientia atmospherica sinica eng 中國科學院大氣物理研究所) P
44. 氣象學報(Acta meteorologica sinica eng 中國氣象學會主辦) P
45. Advances in geophysics(2012起) E
46. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences(2012起) E
47. Antarctic Science(2012-2013) E
48. Climate Policy (2012-2013) E
49. Journal of Flood Risk Management(2008-2014) E